Wednesday, October 14, 2009

His Mind

His Mind

His mind speaks to him as a whisper. Its a voice inside that echos his will to love, learn and sometimes remember.

He's inside a world visibly invisible. No one can see his footsteps left black.

A Story...

He once dreamt of a place where cities were bright. Were sitting was rest and sleeping wasn't trespassing. He holds his breath inside this dream. Can you here him walking down the street. left and right cars pass without suspicion and he follows the made believe destination he made for himself.

Here in this dream hes okay, Hes alive, breathless but still with a pulse.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Looking Inside


I've asked him where his mind rested on days he would disappear for a few weeks or more.
He doesn't ever say much when he was that distant and disconnected but today hes willing to talk.

"My mind looses its self with my permission. I disappear in hope that the sun would set forever wrought in my own paused imagination and dry my eyes for good..."

sometimes in a room with no lights on
...where he could isolate himself from everything and everyone. He would make himself bleed to see if he could feel but numb to the kiss the razor left... all his skin would do is cry.

He would fly in a sky painted black stainless steal grass would cut his feet open
hands would bleed and still he would feel nothing

Looking Inside

That mind is complex. That story he has hidden. The sentences that only a select few would hear are you willing to look inside his world.

The day ends
With another footstep in the dark

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Flash Back

Flash Back

He's walking in the dark as footsteps land, plant themselves and left unurtured.
They grow as weeds so you wont notices he was once something more then just a pulse.

Look at his eyes...
deep dirty brown
hand a shade darker

...and personality lost somewhere in between a journal entry and now.

there is a painting he'd like to share with you a flash back he saw in some undated hour.

Broken hearted He's been departed from His childhood hands. Still wounded he's force to step inside a timeless world that keeps on ticking. Days are short and nights are long. His made up song helped the unknown hours pass on some days.

School Started Already

He woke up on time or so he thinks. Walking calmly and composing himself for school. The walk seems long but its only about 3 miles away maybe more. The sun is lacking some rays and dimly shining but He dismissed the fact that it was a cloudy it could only be 7:30am.

No bus passed him on this walk to school
No student in sight
Just his shadow he's hasn't gotten to know yet

almost there...

He runs a bit to catch up with the time he doesn't know is ahead of him.
Steps go right left right left a couple dozen times eager to get breakfast. The night was long
Clothes a bit on the questionable side but there is nothing he can do about that.

One quick pause takes a breather or two and steps inside.

"You need a pass?" The man on the desk asked him
"What?...What time is it" he replied
"Your late...School Started Already" the said "Sign in and get to class"

He picks up the unsharpened pencil Write his name only and goes to class...

I'm Not Late For Math

The walls are old and thin. He can hear the Noise and cuss words from the next class.
He a shy boy not too young but not too old. He's stuck in the old enough but not old at all.
There is nothing that popped into his mind in that hour but the as usual
"Great I'm not late for math"

He tries to focus and get some work done...
asked a few questions and backs up a few minuets early.

That Flash Back

It was a random one. A story to read a hidden moment to share once the next sentence is written you'll read the other parts to his journey in the dark